Anti Federalist vs. Federalists

Anti Federalist vs. Federalists
Federalists believed in a strong central government. Anti-Federalist believes states should not have too much power.

President Obama is an Anti- Federalist because the president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws. A recent decision by President Obama that could open the way for California and other states to set their own limits on greenhouse gases from cars and trucks represents a shift in the delicate and often acrimonious relationship between the federal government and the states.

Former President George Bush is a Federalist because Mr. Bush presented a new education package to his Congress, one that raised the bar, restructured failing public schools, and gave American parents and student’s choices in their education.   “The Former President’s basic strategy is to put strong government in the service of conservative values. The central value for Bush is freedom”.   Mr.Bush believed that the additions of accountability and personal responsibility would be the solution to the inherent and structural problems in the American public school system.   President Bush audaciously moved forward with his new education policy, the No Child Left Behind Act: A Federalist Perspective.   His personal commitment to this issue was apparent throughout the entire process, and also became a great example of how the President’s conservative values would be woven throughout his domestic policies.

Former President Bill Clinton is a Federalist because being a shrewd student of history, Mr. Clinton doubtlessly got the idea from Federalist Hamilton's initially successful effort to tar anti-Federalists Jefferson and Madison's effort to squelch a big federal government from overwhelming American liberty.   Newt Gingrich's press secretary in 1995 received the call from reporters asking him to respond to Clinton White House-generated accusations that the Contract with America rhetoric had caused Timothy McVeigh to...