Book Review of Winning with my referenceA Money Book Summary
Winning, by Jack Welch (with Suzy Welch), 372 pp. 
Fortune called Jack Welch "manager of the century." Businessweek called him "an icon of American business." Warren Buffett says of Winning: "No other management book will ever be needed."
That's some hefty praise from high places. Several reasons the book is so great.   
First, it's based on stuff that's been applied in the trenches. Welch worked for GE forty years, climbing his way through the ranks until he led as chairman and CEO. Under his leadership, the corporate giant surged forward in both profits and global dominance.  
Second, it's written clearly and simply, no MBA required. Each chapter is organized for optimum retention: "Tell them what you're gonna tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them." 
Third, it's contagiously exciting. This guy loves to win and shows the rest of us how he and a multitude of others have won.  
Fourth, it's not filled with "the same old stuff".  Even the principles you've heard before are presented through his own interesting experiences. 
Fifth, Welch traveled the world in his retirement, doing over 150 question and answer sessions with groups of thirty to five thousand. Attendees could blast him with any questions they wanted to. This gave him time to sift through what he learned in a lifetime of experience, reflect on what worked, and put solutions in succinct and memorable ways. In his mind, all the questions were all basically about how to win. Thanks, Jack Welch, for putting your answers in a book. 
Here are some of my takeaways:
1. Competition is fun! Enjoy it! 
2. Mission and Values 
How do you plan on winning at this business? Answer that question, and you have your mission. 
Values are the behaviors you plan to exhibit in achieving your mission.  
In order to make your mission and values actually impact your organization, you've got to reward those who practice them and punish those who...