Business Report

How To Write a Report
Reports consist of the following elements:
Order in Report | Order Written | Executive reads |
    1. Executive Summary | 6 | Always |
    1. Contents | 7 | N/A |
    1. Introduction | 1 (Unless academic Report) | Sometimes |
    1. Findings (Main Body) | 3 | If interested in research |
    1. Conclusions | 4 | If surprised… |
    1. Recommendations | 5 | Nearly always |
    1. Bibliography / sources | 2 Write as you research | If report shows area that needs further investigation |
    1. Appendices | Anytime you find extra info. | Rarely |
1 Executive Summary
The executive summary should include a summary of all of the key points, the idea is that an executive can read the summary and if it appears logical and inline with expectations the recommendations can be followed without the need to read further.  This is in fact the most important part of the report and should be written last. The executive summary should include a summary of all parts of the report including recommendations. 
Writing Order: Written after the rest of the report (But before the contents page)
Email Tip:  If you are sending the report via email, include the executive summary in the main part of your Email, so that a busy executive doesn’t have to read an attachment to read the main points.
2 Contents
The Contents of the report should be consistently laid out throughout the report and you should include both page numbers and title numbers.  In this example we look at the transport requirements for sales people:
3 Introduction / Terms of Reference
The introduction should say why the report is being written.  Reports are nearly always written to solve a business problem. Reports maybe commissioned because there is a crisis or they maybe routine.   Nearly all reports in some way answer the age-old business problem, how can we increase profits?
Writing Order: Often written first, but maybe refined at anytime. (In Business studies courses this...