Hispanic American Diversity

Hispanic American Diversity
Theresa Webber
July 17, 2011
Susan Mills

Hispanic American Diversity
There are several groups of people that make-up what we segregate into one category.   That category is more or less known as Latino or Hispanic.   The information that is about to be divulged will briefly discuss such topics about four different groups of the Hispanic community.   They are identified as linguistic, political, social, economic, religious and familial conventions and/or statuses of these groups living in the United States.

Mexican Americans
  Initially, much of the Mexican American population was brought into the Union by annexation. The two year Mexican-American War ended with the United States annexing Texas, California, and various other areas from Mexico, immediately making the Mexican Americans the second largest minority in the U.S., second only to African Americans. After that time, immigration into the United States has played an important role in the life of Mexican Americans. As of 2001, there were an estimated 4.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States.   Richard Schaefer stated that, "As of 2002, about 23% of Mexican Americans were English dominated, 26% were bilingual, and 51% were Spanish dominated" (Schaefer, 2006, 241). That means that contrary to popular belief, not all Mexican Americans use Spanish as their sole language. The political battle that Mexican Americans have been engaged in, almost since their annexation into the Union can be summed-up in one word, representation. The Mexican American population has been under-represented in politics and economy since the beginning. Chicanismo and La Raza are movements like Black Power that emphasized a positive Mexican American self-image and look to non-conventional forms of political activity to help the Mexican American foundation.   According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, over 70% of the American Hispanic population is Catholic. This...