Humanistic Psychology

Unviversity of Saint Leo |
Humanistic Psychology |
How Maslow influences Humanistic Psychology? |

This paper demonstrates how Abraham Maslow’s self-actualization and transpersonal psychology influence Humanistic Psychology today. An elaborate background of Maslow is presented to show how Humanistic Psychology took ground. A discussion of the self-actualization theory and peak experiences is also presented to reveal the whole concept behind the Humanistic Psychology. Further, an analysis and discussion of the importance of Human Psychology in our society today is offered in this paper to give the reader better insights on the topic.


Humanistic Psychology is a very old tradition of challenging implicit assumption about the nature of subjectivity. The challenges and critiques made upon Humanistic psychology led it in a more liberatory direction. The humanistic tradition is known for its commitment to developing research and clinical approaches that are sensitive to the richness and complexity of lived experience. Since its beginning, humanistic psychology has consistently theorized neglected topics in psychology, and the challenge to traditional assumptions about the nature of subjectivity is one of the field’s most important contributions. Specifically, questioning the meaning of human has exposed psychology’s “natural attitude” and in so doing, has led it in a more liberatory direction.
The goal of this paper is to focus on some theoretical work of humanistic Psychology. Like I said on my proposal, Humanistic psychology was not as familiar to me as the other school of thoughts listed. I wanted to take on the challenge of finding out about it and learning as much as I can on it as possible. My goal is to accumulate social and historical theories about this school. I also want inform my reader about the applications of this theory.

What is Humanistic psychology? Well, Humanistic Psychology emphasizes on...