
Reflective Essay
I was getting very exited in the warm up because it was getting close to our big league decider game against East-end. I decided to go in nets for a while which turned out to be a very bad idea!
          I was diving about in nets like an idiot when i dived on a bit of glass! AT first i thought i had just banged my knee off something because it wasn’t very painful, but when i pulled up my trouser leg i got a big shock.
      I noticed a wide gash in my leg. I walked over to my manager’s car to get a plaster but he said it was a very bad cut and that i would have to go to the hospital said no at first because i was so desperate to play but he insisted for me to go up. He walked over to my aunties car who was there to watch me play and asked her if she could take me up to Dunbar hospital.
        I was sitting in the waiting room when my Mum and other auntie walked through the door with worried expressions on their faces. After about five minutes of waiting a nurse came and asked me to go through to the examination room. The nurse was trying to get all the mud out of my knee but was finding it very difficult because the cut was so deep. The nurse then told me that i was going to have to go through to Wick hospital to see if they were able to get the mud out.
      My mum and auntie took me through to Wick in my mum’s car. When i was in the car i decided to phone my manager to see if we had won or lost the big game. My coach told me that we had been hammered 8-0 and the team had played absolute terribly. I was very disappointed about this because the team did not win the league and i didn’t get to play in the last game of the season all because a stupid bit of glass. I told my coach that i have to go through to Wick and all that had happened and then he wished me the best of luck. I hung up just as we were pulling up to the entrance of the hospital. When i got into the hospital i was taken through to a bed where a doctor came and studied my...