
1. What form does the poem “Mowing” take?
(A) It is a sestina
(B) It is a sonnet
(C) It is a villanelle
(D) It is in terza rima

2. In “The Road Not Taken,” which of the two roads appears “less traveled” to the speaker?
(A) The one he takes
(B) The one he does not take
(C) Neither of the two

3. In “The Wood-Pile,” the woodpile in question “warms the frozen swamp” with “the slow smokeless burning of...
(A) dry moss.”
(B) decay.”
(C) a greenhouse.”
(D) neglect.”

4. According to the speaker in “Mowing,” what is “the sweetest dream that labor knows”?
(A) The fact
(B) Beauty
(C) Rest
(D) The truth

5. What does the wife see through the window at the beginning of “Home Burial”?
(A) Horsemen approaching
(B) The coroner’s wagon
(C) Her child’s grave
(D) Her husband returning

6. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is written in what meter?
(A) Iambic tetrameter
(B) Iambic pentameter
(C) Varied meter
(D) Gas meter

7. In “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” Frost writes that the speaker imagines his horse to think him strange. What might be the significance of this?
(A) Frost is implying that the speaker is insane
(B) The opinion of the horse could represent the opinion of society; the speaker recognizes that, in the eyes of his peers, his actions are unusual
(C) Frost is trying to imbue his otherwise somber poem with a bit of humor
(D) The talking horse suggests that animals, as representatives of the natural world, are wise and have important things to say to us

8. Complete the following line: “Something there is that doesn’t love a
(A) duck.”
(B) shirt.”
(C) fence.”
(D) wall.”

9. What does the neighbor say in “Mending Wall”?
(A) “There goes the neighborhood.”
(B) “Won’t you be my neighbor?”
(C) “Good fences make good neighbors.”
(D) “How’s the wife and kids?”

10. At one point in “Mending Wall,” the speaker describes his neighbor as:
(A) “an old-stone savage.”
(B) “a tough old bird.”
(C) “an...