Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning

Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning

It’s all about helping someone reach their full potential, whether this is for personal or professional reasons. (Gravells 2008, p5) For any teacher to satisfy this premise, it is necessary to follow an established set of principles by which the ultimate goal of reaching full potential can be achieved or at the very least aspired to. This requires the teacher to fulfil certain roles, satisfy particular responsibilities and know when to escalate matters to another person or organisation. The means by which the teacher meets these requirements may vary as a result of increased knowledge, personal growth and development or possibly a change in legislation but the underlying principles remain. This approach is also fully in line with the requirements of the ‘Professional Values and Practice’, (Domain A, AP 4.1). It is useful to follow a structured format and for this purpose the ‘Teaching/Training Cycle’ (Fig.1) provides a progressive, educational experience through perpetual evaluation and reflection. If adhered to, the cycle establishes a basis for continual adaptation and improvement with a view to achieving learning outcomes.
Identifying Needs


Planning & Designing





One of the primary considerations before commencing with the teaching process is to be familiar with relevant and current legislation, professional codes of practice and specific regulations as laid down by the organisation responsible for the place of learning. As with any area of work, teachers must work within the boundaries of the law and professional values. (Wilson 2009, p23) It is important to be aware that a different regulation or law may be applicable depending on the subject taught even though the place of learning remains the same, while regulations or laws directly related to the place of learning will remain static regardless of the subject matter. There are key...