
SHC 21: Introduction to communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s settings

1.   Understand why communication is important in the work setting.

There are a variety of reasons why people communicate. Some reasons may be for people to give and receive information and instructions, to share opinions, discuss a situation, negotiate and to understand as well as being understood. When dealing with children and young people in particular communication encourages positive learning and behaviour and helps a child develop.
There are two types of communication methods, non-verbal and verbal. Non-verbal communication may involve physical gestures, body language, eye contact and touch and verbal communication may involve vocabulary, which can also mean tone of voice, pitch and speed.
Being able to communicate is essential when working in children’s and young people’s settings because it is a basic requirement to communicate with the child, their families and members of staff on a daily basis. To maybe inform parents of incidents such as accidents and illnesses, to share information about a child and to inform parents and staff about emergencies such as closures because of weather conditions.

When working with children and young people effective communication is the centre of everything I do. For example it could be because of a language barrier where therefore the child and/or parent may need an interpreter or a child may have learning difficulties where a speech therapist is involved. Using positive body language for example, facial expressions and being consistent are all key roles so that a child will feel respect and develop trust in me where they feel they are able to communicate with me. A parent will feel respected and that I value their child/children and with my colleagues effective communication will create an effective team.

Michelle Thomas
Observing a child or adult’s reaction is important because their...