Starbucks and Political Influendce

Starbucks and Political Influence: A Research Study
Starbucks is a coffee-shop corporation globally recognized for its variety of high-quality brands of coffee, excellent fast paced costumer service, and a welcoming environment for people of all ages to come together to either work or socialize. This corporation offers a unique experience differently from any other coffeehouse because it vends a variety of high quality products such as premium beverages, whole bean coffee, an assortment of fresh-brewed coffees and herbal teas, as well as beverage accessories. Additionally, Starbucks’ convenience extends to providing food/pastry and wireless fidelity that appeal those people that enjoy some quiet time away from their workplace or homes. According to Starbuck’s website, our mission is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time” (“Our Starbucks Mission Statement,” 2011, para. 1). “Every store is part of a community, and we take our responsibility to be good neighbors seriously…[serving as a source for positive action—bringing together our partners, customers, and the community to contribute every day” (“Our Starbucks Mission Statement,” 2011, para. 6).  
As part of Starbucks’ dynamic team of employees, we comprise an ethnically diverse group of project managers made up of four females and one male between the ages of 25-45 living in the highly populated state of New York City. Currently, our team is facing a dilemma in settling on what political party to donate $1 million to, so that Starbucks can continue to expand and prevail over the universal marketplace. This donation to either party of the election campaign aids Starbucks to gain further recognition and partnership support by means of wide-ranging advertisements from political parties. According to “Starbucks Coffee Company Policy on Corporate Political Contributions and Expenditures” (2010), this donation will also serve our corporation to advertise “public...