
Robert Kamara

P4: Briefly explain how national initiatives promote anti discriminatory practice

This work will attempt to explain how national initiatives promote anti discriminatory practice with close reference to the relevant acts, regulations, policies and conventions. The Cambridge House, Equality and Diversity Policy will be used as a case study in answering this important aspect of promoting anti discriminatory practices. The Acts that is mostly covered will includes; Disability Discrimination Act 2005, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 2000, Age Discrimination Act 2006 and codes of conducts established by professional bodies. Discrimination is an unacceptable act or behaviour committed intentionally or unintentionally on the basis of race, colour, religious beliefs, sex, mental or physical disability, age, origin which has   negative effects on the person or group been discriminated. It is the act of denying a person or a group the same rights as another which can either be through an overt or covert way of discrimination.
Legislations, regulations and conventions
Legislations such as the Disability Discriminatory Act (DDA) 2005 amend the DDA1995 and specifically deals with public sector in promoting equality of opportunity for people with disabilities and to eliminate discrimination. It also required public sectors to produce action plans explaining how they intend to fulfil their duties, and review them annually and that, institutions must make reasonable changes to their premises in making them more user friendly. The Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) 1975 protects both men and women against any form of discrimination or harassment on the basis of gender in the work environment, education, housing and services. This Act is an attempt to eliminate all form of gender discrimination. The Race Relations Act (RRA) 2000 protects racial equality and ensures that no person is being discriminated against on the grounds of their...