Tma 6 2011

Assignment 06

Evaluate the claim that life changes lead to changes in personal identity.
How life changes lead to changes in personal identity?

This will be looked at by the use of empirical research which includes detailed interviews of twenty first time mothers and observational research data (six of the twenty), over the time span of the first year of their babies being born, as well as looking at the ideas of ordinary conflict, identification, practices and relationships that help to shape identity changes, and past researches.
The reasoning behind choosing this particular group to study, for this subject as the practical use of the new mothers study was to help with post natal depression, understand the transition involved in becoming a mum to give practical support for new mums in the area studied (tower Hamlets), and to give training to professionals such as G. P’s, midwifes and health visitors. Hollway (2009)
The area was chosen for its diverse group of ethnicity, class, living and partner circumstances, all were living in the same location, so shared local services (all gave birth in the same hospital) so it could be explored how place affected a change in identity.
The number of 20 first time mothers for the interview research, and the smaller group of six for the observational part of this study, (as much more data is produced), was chosen because this number was big enough to include as much variety as possible, as well as, not providing so much data that the researchers did not have the means to make sense of the findings within the time limit of the study. this also encouraged the new mums to talk about their experiences and watch how the new mother now interacted with the family, but especially with the baby, observing also allowed the observer to see how the new mother held the baby, David Winnicott suggests that ‘bodily holding’ contains important elements of holding in a wider psychological sense, such as being reliable and providing...