Unit 6 - Schools as Organisations

Unit 4 - Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people

There are pieces of legislation which exist in order to promote equality amongst race, disabilities, etc, and valuing of diversity. These pieces of legislation concentrate of codes of conduct within working and learning environments in order to ensure that everyone have equal rights at work and school.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 aims to end discrimination that faces people with disabilities. It covers various aspects of everyday life, such as employment, occupation, education, transport and the provision of goods, facilities, services, premises and the exercise of public function. The act focuses on a factor known as “Reasonable adjustment” (Also known as “Reasonable Accommodation”). This would involve the employers or service providers taking steps to remove barriers from disabled people’s participation. This would include steps such as providing accessible/suitable ICT equipment, make their premises accessible for wheelchair user, and providing alternative formats(such as large prints) as well as normal written form.

The Children Act 2004 provides the legal framework for how social services and other agencies deal with issues regarding children. These guidelines are in place to ensure that all individuals who are involved in looking after children are aware of how children should be looked after from a lawful perspective. The act was designed principles in mind for the care and support of children, guidelines such as allowing the children to be healthy, remain safe in their environments, enjoying life, and assisting them in succeeding with their aims. The Children Act 2004 also made provision for a Children’s Fund, designed to aid in the eradication of poverty and financial difficulties felt by underprivileged children and families.

The Equality Act is one of the most significant pieces of equality legislation for many years. It aims to give individuals...