Women’s Changes Through the Eras

Women’s changes through the Eras
Women have gone through many changes through the centuries. Some have been great changes and some have not been so pleasant. They have been slaves, royalty, and everything in between. Each individual civilization has their own rules when it came to what women could do and what they wore. Most of the time, women did not work and was a homemaker. Women generally did not work. They stayed home to cook, clean, and raise children. Some civilizations did not give women any rights, making them feel more like slaves than anything else. In this paper, we will discuss the changes that women went through, from 2 million BP to 1,500 CE, and how a daily life of a woman would be.
The Paleolithic Era, which was from 2 million to 12000 BP. Women were the primary gatherers in this society. They would go out and find wild grains, fruits, nuts, and also edible insects. By women doing this, the food they gathered added more calories to their diet than just the meat that the men would go hunting for.   Women paid close attention to the seasons and growth cycles of plants, therefore helping them know what would be in season, what exactly to look for, and to also help them learn about growing the seeds so they would not have to go out on a daily basis and search for food.
Women back in this time did not have a long lifespan, normally around 30 years of age. This is based mainly on violence in their community and also child birth. Children had a hard time growing up also. They were considered lucky if they made it to their 10th birthday. One advantage that women did have back in the Paleolithic Era was that they were thought of as equals. Even though they had their own different roles, men understand that the woman role was very important, which was gathering and bearing children. Some even believed that women were considered healers (Mahdavi, 2012). Men and women in these hunter gatherer tribes were the most equal they have ever been and the rich...