Unit 027 – Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety
When planning indoor and outdoor activities there are many factors we must take into account. As child care workers, we continually need to risk assess situations as the environment and the vicinity is always changing. We would have a risk assessment laid out for specific activities which carers should follow and should also use if the worst happens. When doing the risk assessments, we need to take into account the persons individual needs, age and their overall ability as well as other specific risks such as pregnancy and impairments. We also have to ensure that we are protecting ourselves as carers. As threats of violence and or accusation. Staff will have to factor in these risks.
When planning activities we also need to ensure that we have had the relevant training in individual areas such as first aid training, this prepares staff for if the young person has an accident which needs attention.
Another factor in which we take into account is the overall outcome of the service. Ultimately the activities we do with the young people have a desired effect, whether this is to improve them in certain areas of their lives or whether it is just for fun. Either way, we will set out a plan of the desired outcome and the way in which we will achieve this. Whilst were doing this, we also need to take into account guidance and legislation. In my environment, we were working towards towards the five outcomes set by ‘Every Child Matters’. Now it has changed to The Quality standards
The final and most important thing we must recognise is that we have a duty of care towards the young people which we work by throughout our day to day workings.
Health and safety within the home is taken very seriously and is monitored by all staff vigorously due to its importance. To monitor this we have a health and safety risk assessment which all staff must read and then sign once they are fully understanding of...