3.1 a Description of the Different Types of Accidents and Sudden Illnesses That Could Occur in a Social Care Setting (E: 1)


3.1 A description of the different types of accidents and sudden illnesses that could occur in a social care setting (E:1)
Slips, trips and falls can have a serious impact on the lives of employees and those being cared for. They account for around half of all reported major injuries to employees. Some users of health or care services can be particularly vulnerable to falls injuries, and falls on the same level account for a significant number of injuries to service users - many of which are preventable.
Many factors can cause slips, trips and falls.   These include: methods of cleaning, flooring type, footwear, levels of lighting, contrast between floors, walls and doors, and obstructions or other trip hazards. The practical measures you can take will vary in different situations; some measures will reduce the risk to both workers and non-employees, whereas others may be more targeted.
Do not attempt to lift individual up off the floor or try to stop individual during or in the event of falls, trip or slips. If the event took place prior to arrival, make sure that the individual is conscious, ask the victim to identify any pain. Do not attempt to move the individual. Call for help dial 999.
Sudden illness; It is not that important to know the cause or type of sudden illness because the care you give will be the same with few exceptions.
  * Fainting
  * Diabetic Emergency
  * Seizure
  * Poisoning
  * Allergic Reaction
Some illnesses develop over time, while others can strike without a moment’s     notice.
By knowing the signals of sudden illness and paying careful attention to details at the emergency scene, you can determine how best to help a person with sudden illness.

Fainting: Temporary loss of consciousness that could be a signal of a more serious condition. Caused by a reduction of blood flow to the brain. It is usually self-correcting, when the person collapses, normal circulation to the brain resumes....