4222- 212

Unit 4222- 212

Outcome 1

1. It is important because if you only look at the pain itself and no other factors such as fear, depression and anxiety you could just be going over the real root of the problem and be missing the opportunity to help them truly by seeing if help with their other issues such as anxiety could make them feel better as for example anxiety can bring on panic attacks this includes   shortness of breath dizziness pins and needles and blackening of vision, this could keep happening if no one could make the connection and see what was really going on, but when noticed it could be the answer to a lot or even all their discomfort.
2. The most effective approaches to alleviate pain are the wide variety of drugs, they come in four different categories: 
Analgesics (e.g. aspirin and paracetamol)
Opiates (e.g. morphine )
Anti-inflammatories (e.g. ibuprofen)
Anaesthetic blocks (e.g. epidural)
3. medications are usually primary but other methods such as physiotherapy and stretching are used to help chronic pain. Pressure mattresses are also good for bedridden patients to reduce pressure sores/ ulcers. But simple things such as listening to music or reading a book could also help for a short while to distract from the pain.

Outcome 2

1. Severe pain or discomfort can have the ability to totally change a person. It can affect the way a person eats and drinks, ie, difficulty in swallowing, it can cause frustration and unreasonable behaviour in a person who is usually calm and in control, it could also make   relaxing and sleeping difficult, this could cause them to become even more stressed and could progress to insomnia. It could also, in some cases, lead to other medical conditions, such as depression. How they communicate and interact may change as they might find talking difficult, or they could become irritable and prone to sudden mood swings. Something else which should be considered is the sufferers ability to work and care for their...