A Midlife Crisis Is a Normal Part of Development During the Lifespan. Discuss This Statement Using Theory and Research.

A midlife crisis is when an individual comes to the understanding and accept that they have not fulfilled their hopes and what they wished to achieve in life. The period of time before a midlife crisis occurs is called the midlife transition can be described as the period in ones life when you move from the mindset of time from birth to the mindset of time you have left till you die, prompting people to question themselves and what they have achieved in comparison to what they had hoped, provoking negative feelings about themselves and how they have lived, and trying to adopt a new life structure (Gross, 2010). A midlife crisis is almost inevitable because as humans are always striving for more, so if one were to ever reach their lifetime goal, it may not have been the same as they had envisioned also inducing negative feelings about their life (Feldman, 1999).
Levinson et al.’s study was one of the leading studies on the topic of midlife crisis, they believed a midlife crisis is inevitable and made the comparison between a midlife crisis and the...