Q1; how would you identify and use different types of evidence when carrying out assessments?
I would identify and use different types of evidences when carrying out assessments by reading through all the chosen units and assessment reports to have a clear understanding of the criteria or elements which the candidate must meet. I try and collect as much evidence as possible for the unit we are covering and also try to be Holistic in my Observation’s which would enable me to cross reference with other units. The different types of evidences which can be used are, written Statements, Work Product/Work Evidences, Observations, Supplementary Evidences, Questionnaires, Professional Discussions and also Witness Statements, case study’s.
Q2; how would you identify and compare different types of evidence when making your assessment decisions?
When comparing different types of evidences, I make sure the work product covers either, the Skills and Techniques or the Performance criteria; this gets done on both the mandatory unit as well as the unit the candidate is working on. This is done by checking the evidence against the Assessment Report and referencing the elements which have been met.
Q3; how would you make collecting evidence cost effective and timely?
I would try and collect as much evidence as possible for the unit we are covering and also be doing Holistic Observation which would enable me to cross reference with other units. The above would cut down on travelling time and expenses and would enable me to be more efficient in my role as an Assessor. I do set my candidates deadlines for them to meet, so that way then can complete to hand over evidences, and set further work.
Q4; where would you collect and use evidence from, i.e. candidate’s prior experience and achievements within the current assessment process?
Candidates could use any current training certificates relevant to their NVQ, I take copies of these for their portfolios