Abortion providers in Indiana are required to distribute materials prepared by the state and/or conduct state-directed counseling. In this state, women must contact and/or visit an abortion provider and then wait 18 hours before obtaining an abortion. Patients under the age of 18 who are not emancipated must obtain one parent's consent before obtaining an abortion. Patients who are NOT able to obtain parental consent can proceed through a process known as "judicial bypass."
The provider will also give you an appointment or referral for a follow up exam within 2 weeks of a medical abortion and will suggest a follow-up visit within 2 to 4 weeks of a surgical abortion to confirm that you have not developed any complications. In the case of a medical abortion, the provider also confirms that the abortion is complete. Even if you feel fine, you should go to your post-abortion appointment.
Some women choose to go to their regular family doctor for their follow-up exam. You may want to determine that your doctor will support your choice because it is important that you tell your doctor that you had an abortion. You should also let the provider who provided your abortion know that you plan to see your own provider for the follow-up exam.
The most reliable indicator of whether a woman will experience feelings of distress after an abortion is her emotional stability before the abortion. Choosing to have an abortion is an important decision. The decision-making process may be stressful, even if the outcome is ultimately positive.
Although the most common emotion after completing an abortion is relief, there also can be feelings of loss or sadness. Some women may have difficulty after an abortion because of:
* The obstacles encountered while trying to obtain abortion care
* Feeling alone while making an important decision
* An environment where choosing abortion may be stigmatized
Some women feel grief even though they know they made the right decision....