
Abortion is the premature termination of pregnancy prior to birth (J. P.Thiroux, Keith .P. Krasemann, pg.   254), resulting in the death of the fetus. Abortion is and has been one of the most controversial issues in the society. Although many women feel they have the right to choose, while others feel opposite. For instance some may believe that if a woman’s life is in danger or she has been raped, a victim of incest, then abortion should be used. As a moral and ethical issue, abortion is a dilemma for society. Abortion was illegal prior to the 1973 Supreme Court decision in the trial of Roe v. Wade, (J. P.Thiroux, Keith .P. Krasemann, pg.   255), but since abortion has being legalized, women have the freedom and the choice to live their life the way they want to. Abortion may be performed for many reasons. The main reason would be if the woman’s health is at risk. However, some people abuse this right.
There is an ongoing debate over the political, legal, and moral status of abortion. The two sides of abortion include, "pro-choice" and "pro-life.   Pro-choice argues that the decision to abort a pregnancy is to be made only by the woman and the government or the society has no right to interfere, they states that a woman “ought to be able to have her abortion without suffering recrimination, guilt or restrictions, legal or otherwise” (J. P.Thiroux, Keith .P. Krasemann, pg.   262) and according to them human life does not begin until birth. Contrary to pro-choice views, pro-life argues that, from the moment of conception, the embryo or fetus is alive; that this life imposes on us a moral obligation to preserve it. Pro-life argues that “because people cannot agree on when the human “soul” is present- by valuing a conceptus as human from conception onward we are ensuring that we do not act immorally or irreverently towards human life and especially towards innocent, unborn human life.
I certainly support pro-life view on abortion. Although abortion is legal, I...