


1.1a Define the following types of abuse - Physical abuse.

Physical abuse is an act of another person/persons involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, intimidation or any other physical suffering or bodily harm. This could be punching, kicking, pinching, burning, pushing, shaking, slapping and force feeding.

1.1b Define the following types of abuse - Sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse is a non-consensual sexual contact of any kind. This may include the following:- rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, not consented or pressured into having sexual intercourse, pressured into physical and sexual contact, and encouraging or forcing an individual to look or watch pornography.

1.1c Define the following types of abuse - Emotional/psychological abuse.

Emotional/psychological abuse my involve being bullied by threats or actions to cause mental or physical harm. These may include humiliation, isolation, controlling tactics and harassment which could lead to giving an individual to develop lack of confidence and withdrawal to do things that they would possibly do.

1.1d Define the following types of abuse - Financial abuse.

Financial abuse is illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s money or assets. It could involve stealing cash or other valuables, forcing decisions on any financial matters, and forcing in making to changes in their will and testament.

1.1e Define the following types of abuse - Institutional abuse.

Institutional abuse involves failure of an organisation to provide appropriate and professional services to vulnerable people. This could include physical and sexual abuse, emotional abuse, lack of providing adequate meals, misuse of medication and failure of meeting needs of an individual concerned.

1.1f Define the following types of abuse - Self neglect.

Self neglect is a behavioural condition in which an individual neglects to attend to their...