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Article Title: Academic Honesty and Online Courses In order to find this article I typed in “academic honesty” and I looked for articles that seemed to focus on the subject.The authors of this article are, Therese C. Grijalva, Clifford Nowell, and Joe KerkvlietThe article was published in March 2006.Article Name : academic honesty for a new generationI type in academic honesty and also choose the one I feel is next to the topicThe Author name is : steven G VeghThe article was published in April 13, 2009The article is peer-reviewedTruthfulness/falsehoodThe Database was MasterFILE Premium.Keywords:Students TeacherEducation/higherCheating {education}The article was found with Ebsco Host.As we can see that academic dishonesty has been an issue with the whole faculty and including students First if I was an instructor, I will set a strict ruling of which every student has to abide by-most likely a “3 strikes and you’re out ruling”. This way, once students see how serious faculty is about fully preventing academic dishonesty, they will avoid it altogether.Article 2-JIn the Article on academic honesty I found that student and faculty have a different perception on Academic Honesty and the results show that the faculties perceive the students in negative manners which cause a lot of issues and concerns in the matter of academic honesty.It also states that a study in which the different perception on student academic dishonesty are between the faculty and students and is found to be relevant.Keyword: Academic honestyTitle: Faculty perception on student academic honestyAuthor: Lorraine Pe SymacoThis article was published on September of 2003This article was reviewed by peersThis article was found in the Gale PowerSearch database