Academic Integrity


First,let me begin by defining Academic Integrity. Academic Integrity refers to honesty and transparency in the ways in which knowledge is acquired and transmitted. (The Centre for Academic Integrity, Duke University,2004).
Further , Academic Integrity requires that all writers acknowledge the work of others, and that action is taken if there is any wrongdoing ( Drinan, 1999)
I completely support the basic assumption of academic integrity, that a writer should be credited for his ideas and words and the use of his work should be carefully cited. For example the most widely read book is the Bible and various cultures have adopted this ancient Book as the Word of God, inspired and written by men. However whenever the words of that Book is used it is always carefully referenced and no one tries to pass it off as their very own words. By the same token this practice of giving credit to the author can be applied across the board to other fields of study. I make no excuses for other cultures with regard to academic malpractice. The issue of dishonesty is not be tolerated regardless of what part of the world we are in.
If an individual took the time to document his words in print or audio for purposes of sharing his ideas with others, the least we can do is give credit to the author. Due to globalization we are thrust into multicultural learning environments and we are compelled to carefully present the topic to each individual for careful consideration. Though most cultures are intolerant of dishonesty, it is obvious that the consequences of academic malpractice   may vary from culture to culture. Some cultures welcome the use of the words of the elders and respect is given when this is done, so such a culture my not consider plagiarism as a serious offence to be punished.
Whereas   in western cultures, this is not so forgiving but considered as a serious offence deserving of a fail grade or even expulsion. Here are some of the more common examples:...