If a child has had a severe bump on the head, it can be a cause for concern, because you don’t personally know how bad it is. There are many ways that you can deal with it; Practitioners at the setting need to look out for these signs:
• Has lost consciousness for more than 30 seconds
• Is drowsy and does not respond to your voice
• Has something stuck in their head
• Has a second fit or convulsion, other than a single brief one when the injury happened
Procedures to be followed in the event of the accident
Contact the settings nurse - ask her to review the child and see if there is any implications. If it is a slight bump, an ice pack to reduce the swelling will help, and ease the pain. If it is a nasty bump, the parents/carer are immediately notified, in order for them to take to A+E or straight home so they can rest. This is so the child can be monitored closely for any side effects or concussion. If the child encounters a head injury before Nursery or lunchtime, it is our policy not to admit the child into Nursery.
Procedures after the accident has followed
The injury should be reported in the settings medical book. And all practitioners should be aware of what’s occurred, so they can eagerly watch the child, and see if they are acting different to what they normally do.
Some problems that may result from a minor head injury can be hard to detect at first. In the next few weeks’ practitioners may notice:
• Irritability
• Mood swings
• Tiredness
• Concentration problems in their child
• Behavioural changes
Prevention for the future
Be aware of the children’s different heights, child development physically at different stages, so some are taller than others. Make sure the room or the outdoor space is appropriate for them to play and they don’t trip easily. Children like to run around, they can run into things without noticing them being there, it’s vital that you cover/board up any...