All reports of potential abuse or neglect of a person made to or within any organisation are referred to the local ‘safe guarding adults’ procedures.
If a report is made that a service being provided is not safe (e.g. where a member of staff may be abusing service users, one service user is abusing another or the service is run in such a way as to cause neglect, immediate positive action is taken to assess any risk and appropriately enhance the safety of all service users.
Good practice:
• Remaining calm and not showing shock or disbelief
• Listening carefully to what is being said
• Not asking detailed or probing questions
• Demonstrating a sympathetic approach by acknowledging regret and concern that what has been reported has happened
• Ensuring that any emergency action needed has been taken
• Confirming that the information will be treated seriously
• Giving them information about the steps that will be taken
• Informing them that they will receive feedback as to the result of the concerns they have raised and from whom
• Giving the person contact details so that they can report any further issues or ask any questions that may arise
Where a crime is alleged to have taken place the police are involved as soon as possible and decide whether they will be taking action.
Any member of staff who suspects abuse has a duty to ensure and take some personal responsibility for:
• The Manager being informed or equivalent
• Appropriate action being taken
Staff/Managers must establish preliminary facts:
• Did it happen/is it happening?
• Is it abuse?
• What is the impact on the staff and their employment rights?
• Is it unacceptable practice?
• What are the personnel implications
If and allegation of harm or abuse is made, a full record shall be made regarding the nature of the allegation.