The last twelve years of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have underlined the need for
leaders to understand and implement creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem solving;
To coin a phrase Adaptability. According to FM 6-22, Adaptability is defined as “an effective
change in behavior in response to an altered situation”. Armed with this definition I will explain
how Adaptability will greatly assist Field Grade Officers as they assume roles in staff positions
and operational deployments across all echelons from battalion to the corps level into the next
decade. The future operational environments will present the current generation of Field Grades
with a very fluid and unique problem set in which to conduct military operations. At any time
decisive operations can swing rapidly into stability operations as foreign militaries devolve into
militias carrying the battle cry for insurgencies. To prepare our forces for these contingencies
training on the tactical aspects of war are not enough. The tenets of Adaptability must be
introduced into the planning of said training to reach the desired outcome of junior Soldiers and
leaders who can deftly utilize creativity and critical thinking to navigate asymmetric operational
environments while operating within the commander’s intent. Adaptability is an outcome of
training that is specifically designed to encourage, enhance, or promote the inherent and natural
adaptive character of the American Soldier by focusing on the following competencies:
confidence, initiative, decision making, and problem solving all bound by accountability.
The Army's Perspective of Critical Thinking hinges on the definition of a thought process
that aims to find facts, to think through issues, and solve problems. Central to decision-making, it
enables understanding of changing situations, arriving at justifiable conclusions, making good
judgments, and learning from...