ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter
Business Law
November 25, 2008
Contract Agreement for All Learning Teams
All learning teams should have no less than three and no more than six students on a team.
All learning teams must have a leader and a sub leader who will stand in place or takeover if the leader is not available.
The leaders must be voted in by all the team members of the learning team. (Majority Votes Wins)
Each team member must take a personality and skills test to be considered candidates for the position of leader and sub leader.
All learning team members will have 24hrs after the first assignment is issued to review the assignment. Then, the team will divide the assignment equally among each team members.
Team members must submit all their assignments 48hrs before class to the team leader.
Team leader is responsible for assigning task, updating, log and charter and submit it to the instructor before or on the date the assignment is due. He or she can ask for assistance from team members with this process.
Team members must not submit any incomplete assignments and assignments must be related to the group work that was/were assigned.
Team meetings are mandatory with the exception of one absence from a meeting. Meetings will be scheduled 24hrs in advance; team members must agree on one central location. Any team members that can not make a meeting must inform the team leader or sub leader 24hrs in advance.
Team meetings can be conducted either via emails, call conferencing and face to face.
All team members must respect their team mates and practice open communication so the team can function properly for great success.
Mediation/Arbitration Clause
If a dispute arises out of or relates to this learning team contract agreement, or the breach thereof, and if the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in...