Adult Learning Theory

Sergio Astorga
March 7, 2013

The latest figures, related to students who are presently involved in any type of formal education, reveals a growing numbers of adults in the search for education. Statistics also show the reasons that drive grown persons to enroll in adult education, as well as the advantage and or disadvantage they possess over teenage persons. In an attempt to explain the reasons an adult seeks to achieve a higher cultural level, the essayist is going to summarize the perception from different scholars. Follow by the author’s personal experience in the field and seal the writing with the writer’s personal reflection on the discussed theme.
The technological advances from the present digital era have engendered the need for highly trained laborers. Presently, jobs for unskilled workers are scarce, while trained labors have a considerable demand. This phenomenon triggered the individual interest on adults to seek for a better education. Besides the highly competitive rate from the contemporary operational forces, there are other peripheral compels, such as parenthood, urging adult population to hunt for a better education, (Dorch, B.; 2012.)
Durch explains, that by “September 2009, BMO Capital Markets” assessed that in this country alone the “continuing education” trade was as high as “$104 billion annually.” In addition, many of the “Baby Boom Generation” remained working pass their retirement age, (Durch, B.; 2012.)
Within the field of schooling, adults develop a wide range of the training-education area, which goes from English as a foreign language to master and doctorate degrees at university levels. Although, she clarifies, adults have an advantage over their teenager colleagues, they have a “life long experience” which matures their goals; therefore, grownups know with more exactitude what is that they are seeking for in the educational sphere.
As to reach a final point, Benita Dorch’s article on...