1. Complete the table below explaining the pros and cons of each assessment method and state how they might best suit individual learner’s needs.
Assessment Method | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Workplace ObservationsObserving performance is the most common method used in assessing the QCF. It is considered to be the most valid and reliable method of assessment, as there are many naturally arising opportunities for use of this method. | * Shows the learner can perform the task * Easy collectable evidence of competence across a wide range of routine work activities * Very suitable for a leaner who would find it difficult to produce written evidence | * Can be time consuming and disturb learner somewhat due to the stopping and starting * May not be suitable for very personal care/confidentiality tasks, especially where the learner is doing practical tasks |
Personal Statements/ Reflective AccountsReflection is where the learner recaptures their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate it. It is this working with experience that is important in learning. | * Allows learners to get the most from their education and other activities * Sets the scene for and creates life-long learning Maximises personal and economic potential * Enhances employability and enterprise skills | * That unless given clear pointers the reflection can be formulaic with a tendency for ‘boast statements’, i.e. learners may not genuinely reflect * Can be a rather touchy, feely process * May feel uncomfortable challenging and evaluating own practice * Could be time consuming * May have confusion as to which situations/experiences to reflect upon |
TestsIn education an examination is a test to show the knowledge and ability of a student. A student who takes an examination is a candidate. The person who decides how well the student has performed is the examiner. An examination may be a written test, an...