What was an alternate way to get rid of slavery and could they have done it without war? Was there a solution that did not involve a war that would be the bloodiest in American history? Slaves were treated horribly by their masters and life in slavery was very hard - however, a solution that didn’t involve hundreds of thousands of people dying would be welcomed.
Slavery was a simple part of life in the South. It was how they functioned and widely accepted by residents and by law. Slaves were often treated badly, though, by being beat and, of course, treated as though they were inferior because of their race. Slaves sometimes revolted, though were not often successful, and sometimes they would attempt to run away. When they revolted, they often would not have support of all the slaves on their plantation or neighbors and visitors would realize what happened. When they tried to run, they were often captured before they could get far off of the plantation. Slaves were completely owned by whoever bought them or received them. They had no rights and could be treated however badly the Master wanted and they got no pay for their hard work. Even if they made it to the North, there was a possibility of being recaptured and put back into slavery. Contrary to the South, the North did not support slavery. It was illegal and many people there were abolitionists who wanted to free the slaves.
The problem of slavery was solved through war and bloodshed - but was it necessary? Slave owners were very reluctant to free their slaves, but if the Emancipation Proclamation was put into action, the American government could take the slaves from the plantations because owners would be breaking a law. If slaves were take plantation by plantation, it could have been possible to free them that way. Done plantation by plantation, the slaves could be extracted and gradually, all of the slaves could be freed.
In conclusion, slavery was...