Alternative Energies and Their Impact on the Future

Alternative Energies and their Impact on the Future
Michael J. Jacob
Axia College
Effective Essay Writing
Tara Smith
May 12, 2010

Alternative Energies and their Impact on the Future
      Alternative energies are sources of power other than what is considered a normal form of energy. Normal forms of energy include oil, coal and natural gas; these are known as fossil fuels. Wind, solar, hydro and nuclear power are forms of alternative energies. In the future other sources of energy must be found because fossil fuels are being depleted at an alarming rate. This essay of potential alternative forms of energy is in no particular order, merely a short list of many types of alternative energies and fossil fuels.
      The first form of alternative energy, wind power, or wind generation as it is more commonly known, is a good, clean, safe form of alternative energy. Wind generation works by wind turning the blades of a wind turbine that are connected to an electrical generator that makes electricity. The electricity can then either be stored in batteries for personal consumption or fed into the electrical power grid for a rebate from the electrical company. The electrical power grid is the electricity distributing network that brings power to homes, e.g. power lines. The Devon Association for Renewable Energies, who promotes renewable energy sources, states, “Electricity produced by renewable sources is attracting competitive rates because of the governments Renewable Obligation Certificates that guarantee the price of renewably generated electricity” (DARE, 2009). With the rising of gas and coal prices, wind generation is becoming more economically competitive (Energy, 2005).Wind generation uses no fossil fuels like gasoline so, the price fluctuations in gas prices do not affect wind generation prices (Energy, 2005). The original start-up costs of a wind turbine can be expensive but pay for themselves in as little as six to eight months (in large scale...