Introduction Critical Mass is an Internet services corporation which was born in 1995 and had a super client – Mercedes-Benz at the beginning of the company business started. Now, the firm has grown up and become a highly successful enterprise among all the competitors, it now has a large number of world-famous brand-name enterprise client lists such as Nike, Nokia, Samsung, Dell, etc. The company’s business strategy kept changing and innovating in the past few years, it now not only just offers simple website design but supply a vast range of digital sales market servings which focused on establishing enterprise branding through Internet (Munro & Huff, 2008, p.1). Although Critical Mass made a major of successes on its business, it still has some problems in a few aspects about how it running its business. This report is going to describe and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of Critical Mass’s business strategy using some IT strategic approaches such as IT strategic impact grid. Some recommendations based on the analysis in order to improve the firm’s business performance will be given in this report. However, there will be a few inevitable limitations caused by recommendations made for the company.
Describe and analyse Critical Mass’s business strategy using IT strategy impact grid {draw:frame}
{text:list-item} The IT strategy impact grid can be considered as two dimensions, four organizational possibilities: Factory, Support, Strategy and Turnaround. All the organizations can be classified into these four strategies depend on how much they rely on the functioning of existing IT and how much they rely on IT for its competitive edge through systems in the future (Davies, 2002, p271). These four strategies can be defined as:
Turnaround: organizations require considerable amount of IT support, but the organization’s activities are not absolutely dependent on the uninterrupted, cost-effective functioning of IT support...