Anxiety, Mood/Affect, and Somatoform/Dissociative Disorders Matrix
|Definitions | Eating Disorders Substance Abuse Disorders | Sex/Gender/Sexual Disorders Personality Disorder |
|DSM-IV TR |List the names of the different |List the names of the different disorders in |List the names of the different disorders in this|List the names of the different disorders in |
|Disorders/ |disorders in this category |this category |category |this category |
|Rate of | | | | |
|Statistical |Anorexia nervosa- |Substance abuse- |Sexual dysfunctions- |Cluster A; Odd or eccentric personality |
|Occurrence | | | |disorder- |
| |A person who will not maintain even the|The use of any type of substance that can have|Recurring and distressing issues that have an | |
| |minimal healthy body weight (Hansell & |a negative effect or outcome for the person |impairment that effect normal desires, |Paranoid |
| |Damour, 2009). |using the substance. The person keeps using |functioning, arousal, and even orgasms while |Schizoid |
| | |even...