Appendix C

Appendix CAxia College Material
Appendix C

Immune Response and Hypersensitivity

Puncture Wound Multimedia Activity

After completing the Puncture Wound Multimedia Activity, complete the table below. List the four events of the inflammatory response covered in the activity in the order of occurrence. Rewrite the events in your own words, using vocabulary terms from Ch. 2 of the text.

Vascular Events in an Inflammatory Response
Events | Simplified description of event | Professional description of event |
1st | Germs from the nail are introduced below the skin, | A foreign object has entered the skin. Bacteria is getting in and multiplying. |
2nd | Surrounding cells leak fluid that affect the blood vessels. | Histamines are released to the body. |
3rd | The fluid affecting the surrounding blood vessels causes the release of other cells into the tissue. | Histamine is causing the blood vessels to get bigger and plasma ia moving out of the blood to the damaged tissue. |
4th | As the wounded part of the body reacts to the germs, certain cells destroy these germs. | Polymorphs move to the bacteria that is in the tissue. |


Give a brief description and example in your own words for each of the four types of hypersensitivity presented in Ch. 2.

Hypersensitivity Matrix
Type of Hypersensitivity | Description | Example |
Type I: Allergic/Anaphylactic | Hypersensitivity is triggered by allergens This causes inflammation. | A person that is allergic to bees could suffer from this if stung. |
Type II: Cytotoxic/Cytolytic | IgM or IgG are interacting with foreign cells and causing destruction | Incompatible blood transfusion. |
Type III: Immune Complex | Antigens combine with antibodies, | Farmers Lung caused by mold inhalation |
Type IV: Cell-mediated/Delayed | Exposed antigens activate T cell mediated immune response | Person that touches poison ivy |