Are Humans Easily Persuadable?




When we ask the question: Are humans easily persuadable? We can answer this in many ways. Such as the influence in everyday social life which is a power of suggestion by convincing others to give you what you want.
In this paper I want to discuss sexuality, alcohol and the drug subculture and how this can be linked to persuasion.
“Rosen” states that “Throughout history and across cultures, alcohol, recreational drug use and sexuality have been closely intertwined. For example alcohol has often been considered to be a powerful facilitator, promoter disinhibitor and common accompaniment to sexual behaviour of all types.” (Rosen, 1991, pp. 120-121) ( PGi-138441443/sexuality-and-substance-use.html)
Hans Eysencyk states that “Difficult as it may seem to deny the importance and relevance of hormonal and general physiological differences between the sexes, many modern writers seem to stress overwhelmingly the importance of ‘sex roles’ and their determination by society – without asking themselves whether perhaps society imposes these roles because nature has so ordained” (Eysencyk 1978) (Rodgers, W.S, & Rodgers, R.S, 2001, pp: 66)
How this is all linked to persuasion? First of all we need to understand what persuasion is.

There can be different ways of looking at persuasion for example “social validation” which states that “one means we use to determine what is correct is to find out what other people think is correct.” (Brock and Green, 2005, pp: 148)
Persuasive methods are usually seen in the media, advertising and the press. Television commercials do play a key role in persuading others to buy products. For example: It is believed that according to Allyn and Festinger: “people are sometimes more susceptive to persuasion when they are distracted than when paying full attention, at least the message is simple.” (Hogg and Vaughn, 2002, pp: 196)