Article Review:
“The Future of Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The Survey Says”
Steven Eide
Considering the fact that I am enrolled in an online educational course I found it prudent to seek out a research article studying online learning. It is common knowledge to any student in America, or the world for that matter, that distance education has exploded almost uncontrollably and is continuing to do so at a remarkable pace. So, what makes a distance education course good? While reviewing the mass of articles about distance education I first had to define my search to narrow the various distance educational articles available through Liberty’s library database. Having done that, I used the key words online teaching and I finally focused my attention to one article by Kyong-Jee Kim and Curtis J. Bonk, “The Future of Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The Survey Says” printed in Educase Quarterly. This well designed, crafted, and carried out research study demonstrates that higher education is going online and educators need to develop new skills to continue provided exceptional education. Interestingly enough the two authors live states apart from each other, making collegial research between the two difficult if not impossible without the use of distance technology.
The authors, Kyong-Jee Kim and Curtis J. Bonk, began their research with a the research question they wanted to answer, summarized as, what is the future of online education and what needs to be done to promote its success (Kyong-Jee & Bonk, 2006)?
Kyong-Jee & Bonk used a descriptive research method, specifically a survey. An online questionnaire was sent electronically to 12,000 instructors and administrators in post secondary institutions. Of the 12,000 surveys 562 were completed (Kyong-Jee & Bonk, 2006). Kyong-Jee & Bonk (2006) used Survey Share, an online survey service used to develop and administer the 42 questions including:...