Asia Pacific Security Study

1. The Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies is a one of two U. S. Department of Defense regional studies centers (The other is the Marshall Center in Europe.). It was established on 4 September 1995 as a direct reporting unit to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command. The center is a multilateral, non-war fighting, academic institution which focuses on security at the national policy level. It explores how the increasingly complex interrelationships of military, economic, political, and diplomatic policies interact to create regional stability or instability.
2. The center's mission is to foster understanding, cooperation, and the study of security-related issues among military and civilian representatives of the U. S. and other Asia-Pacific nations. This mission complements and supports the U. S. Pacific Command's Cooperative Engagement Strategy. The center is also a manifestation of former Defense Secretary Perry's concept of "preventive defense."
3. The center takes a two-prong approach to the study of security issues.
      (a) first through the College of Security Studies which focuses on future leaders.
      (b) second through a Research and Conference Center which focuses on current leaders.
4. The center provides a focal point where national officials, decision makers, and policy makers can gather to exchange ideas, explore pressing issues, and achieve a greater understanding of the challenges that shape the security environment of the Asia-Pacific region.
The College's Curriculum
5. Security is the major theme, and the relationship among future military and government civilian leaders from 45 countries in the Asia-Pacific region is the focus.
      a. The Core Curriculum provides grounding in significant issues affecting the Asia-Pacific region, including diplomatic and military matters, economic issues, and socio-cultural concerns. The emphasis of the core course is on studying ways to create and...