
Different Types of Assessment Methods
1) Professional Discussion:
Professional discussion gives the candidate an opportunity to talk through, demonstrate, show and clarify aspects of his her works that still need evidencing or for which other types of assessment are less appropriate.
As an assessor I should plan carefully for professional discussion following the assessment of substantial evidence towards an element or unit so that it is clear to me what ‘gaps’ still need to be addressed by the candidate.
First of all, I will make it clear to the candidate about the purpose of using professional discussion and the required outcomes in the early stages of the planning process. I will have to agree the assessment time, date, place and what is to be covered by professional discussion will largely be determined by the standards/evidence requirements to be met. Then I will explain why I have decided to use this method because; it is a requirement for a specific part of the award/unit being assessed; there are gaps in evidence which can be effectively closed by using this method. Candidates should be informed of the format the discussion will take. During planning i should agree a list of criteria or units with the candidate to cover. I will provide a written copy of these units or criteria in advance of the discussion to the candidate. I need to make sure if the candidate requires any special needs during the assessment takes place.
A record of the discussion should be produced to show how the points (relating to the standards/evidence requirements), have been covered. There are various options for recording professional discussion; audio or video taping or paper based logging. If using an audio/video tape, it is important to agree this with my candidate first to ensure they are comfortable with this method of recording. Whatever recording method selected, I need to ensure that the evidence resulting from the discussion is clearly referenced to the appropriate...