Assessment 1
The 4 legislations that are important for a home base carers role of the regulatory body to outline to Anjums parents are:
The Children’s Act 1989 – 2004 Ensuring that every child matters & that the child is in a healthy, safe, happy & positive environment so that their child will achieve throughout their development physically, intellectually, their language skills, education & social skills, building confidence & independence. The needs & respect of the child are of upmost importance. In 2006 the Child Care Act (effective of 2008) introduced the Early years foundation stage, stating a set of welfare requirements & learning & development requirements. These have to be followed by the child carer of ages 5 years & below in the UK. The child care provider must be legally registered under the child care act.
The Race Relations Act 1976, amended 2000- It is a legal obligation to protect any child from all forms of discrimination. Promoting equality of opportunities, good relations between people of different racial groups. Ensuring settings are promoting race equality in the environment of the child in your care. These will all be monitored & assessed by the governing body.
The Equality Act 2010- To protect a child from discrimination & this act has been replaced by previous anti- discrimination laws by a single act. It is essential to respect a child equality & beliefs. To value the aspects of people’s lives, colour, physical features, culture, language, religion or gender. The wishes, religious beliefs of a parent of their child are to be followed & discussed.
Code of Practice for First Aid 1997- This requires the child carer to provide adequate & appropriate equipment, facilities to ensure the patient receives any immediate attention (any injured or ill taken child in their care). They must have training in first aid, with a proof of certification. All assessments of any hazard or risks...