Assignment 307. Understand how to handle information in social care settings.
Task A Short answer questions.
A1.Identify four key pieces of Legislation or Codes Of Practice relating to handling information in social care settings.
1. The data protection act 1998.
2. Company policies and procedures.
3. The freedom of information act 2000.
4. The health and social care act 2012.
A2. Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice affect the day to day work of a social care worker in relation to handling information.
As a care worker you must follow a set of rules known as the code of practice. On every support you will have information about a service user which if it were to get in the wrong hands could put the service user at risk. Every company has policies and procedures which must e adhered to, if they are broken this could mean disciplinary action could be taken. It is vital that all personal information is kept just that, “personal.”
A3. Explain two ways of helping other practitioners to understand the importance of handling information in adult social care settings.
1.Explain the consequencies of not doing so. It would be a breach of confidentiality which would be a disciplinary matter potentially losing your job.
2. I would ask how they would feel if a personal matter that they had discussed with me was disclosed to others. I would think they would feel mistrust, betrayal and would not tell me anything again, service users are no different.
A4. Explain two ways of helping other practitioners to understand the different systems used to record information in adult social care settings.
1. All service users files should be put in to a locked filing cabinet when not being used and not left out where others could read personal information.
2. In home files only write up day to day activities. If a sensitive matter arises it should be put in the communication notes in the office file...