Society has changed so much over the years. Earlier times consisted of a father that worked a full time job, a mother that stayed home to raise the children, and the children. Unfortunately, the times have changed and so have the views of a traditional family. Today’s students come from a wide variety of families. These students are sometimes called at risk students because of the way the lives of their families. An at risk student can be a student that is homeless, teen parent, addicted to drugs or alcohol, or even a latch key kid. These are all types of at risk students that can cause a negative effect on their education.
Latch key children are one of the most common types of at risk student. Today’s society has a high demand to have a two part working household. The cost of living has gone up so much that it is not always possible to live off of one parent’s income alone. Another issue is that more and more children today come from single family homes. While there is nothing wrong with both parents working or even having only one parent at home it can put the child at risk. Latch key children are children who come home from school every day to a house with no parents home. These children are placed in a situation where they become 100% responsible for themselves and their studies.
There is always the option of after school child care if the families are capable of affording it. Child care can be extremely expensive and is not always an option. A single child can range anywhere from $100 to $135 a week just for three hours after school in my area. Most families consist of more than just one child so that price now has to be doubled or even tripled. There are some schools that offer after school care right at the school for a very small fee. I know here in Georgia there are some schools that offer this program for anywhere from $25 to $35 a week. The rising cost of child care facilities has forced more and more...