

  When we think of children, we usually imagine little boys and girls running, laughing, singing, and jumping. Sometimes we think of children who misbehave, throw toys and generally complicate out lives and wonder how to deal with this behavior, discouragement, or other developmental issues. But for some children, life is far more complicated.

  They do not see, hear or perceive their world as other children do, or their bodies function only with the aid of medication or special diets.

  These children too have the right to be part of childcare centers and JUST BE KIDS.

  For us the caregivers we must learn to first understand the issue of the special need of a child in our class, be extremely patient, and try to understand the child from his point of seeing the world.

  The History

The term ‘autism’ comes from the Greek prefix ‘autos’ meaning ‘self’ and the Latin suffix ‘ism’ meaning ‘a state or quality’, therefore it literally means ‘self-state’ of ‘self-ness’. An American psychiatrist named Leo Kanner (1943) was the first person to publish a paper on ‘autism’ and he is regarded as a pioneer in this field.

A year later, a German psychiatrist named Hans Asperger published a paper describing a similar condition that he termed ‘Asperger’s syndrome’. As a rule, in the UK Asperger’s syndrome is considered as a type of high functioning autism.

At the moment there is a lack of clarity in the UK, both about the definitions of the different types of autism and the terminology used, and about the identification of autism in individual children. It is not a simple picture: various other terms are also in use, which have come in at different points in history, also different countries have their own ways of looking at the spectrum.

Not only is this language in a state of evolution, but also autism needs time to identify and define properly in a child, and to differentiate from other conditions. In addition, the effects...