For each of three developmental domains: physical, cognitive, and social/personality, identify two major changes or challenges associated with that developmental stage (adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood).
|Stage of Development |Physical Development |Cognitive Development |Social/Personality Development |
|Adolescence |Both Males and Females |Logical cognitive assessment |Most adolescents work to free |
| |experience significant changes |becomes possible during this |themselves from parental control.|
| |in their bodies from hormone |stage. Most adolescents become |This often results in conflict |
| |changes. These include body |cognitively egocentric and feel |since they act out emotionally |
| |growth and development of sexual|that they differ from others in |against the very parents that |
| |organs. |many ways, demanding privacy and|have taught them the values they |
| | |feeling insecure. |now hold. High risk behaviors |
| | | |hold interest for teens at this |
| | | |age. |
|Young Adulthood |The body is at its peak |Cognitive processes peak during |In this stage the individual is |
| |physically and it has high |this stage. This creates a false|striving to find his or her |
| |endurance and stamina levels. |sense that the...