Behavior Management

Management Behavior Assignment #1

Human Capital Management

December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009
Memo To: First-Level Managers
Subject: Transition into merger with Enviro Tech

The merger with Enviro Tech is an opportunity for managers and non-managerial employees to work together to transition into new roles and positions that will be created through the merger.   As you know there have been some discussions about lay-offs among the employees on the work floors.   Although this merger is going to reshape and define many of our roles as managers you need to continue to drive production and productivity through multifactor’s that are in line with human resources and your employee’s.

Managers it is your responsibility to work cooperatively with human resources for staffing, retention, development, adjustment and managing merger changes.   Management changes are developed by rebuilding employee’s loyalty through recognition of their quality of work life.   “What is important to your employee’s?”   The value of employee’s can be strengthened by promoting teamwork, treating employees fairly through skills assessments to determine merit increases and promotions, on the job training and the open-door policy for face to face communication to discuss concerns and conflict resolution.   Managers are to conduct quarterly staff meetings to obtain employees input for job improvement and an annual anonymous survey’s focusing on the job duties and work relationships.   The ability to be more involved with the thought process of your employee’s attitudes, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment can have a negative or positive impact on the financial stability.

As a reminder forms of illegal discrimination such as unequal treatment and adverse impact will not be tolerated and can result in termination.   The law prohibits discrimination of employment, recruitment, selection and evaluation process, promotion, training, compensation, discipline, retention and...