Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits
John Smith Jr.
June 16, 2011
Brian Garavaglia
Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits
This paper will be analyzing the formation of habits using the behavioral and social/cognitive approaches. In This paper the subject to analyze is one of my habits. It will state how that habit started and what role models if any I had for this habit. It also will discuss the people who influenced the adoption of this habit. The paper will also state whether or not I still continue doing said habit and has there been a time when I have attempted to break this habit.
The paper will finish by using the behavioral personality theory to explain why I have this habit. I will describe components of social/cognitive theory that explain why the habit formed. I will develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change this habit and finally state, which theory between behavioral and social/cognitive best explains my personality.
The habit that I will discuss is the habit I have of playing with and folding my ears into themselves. To the best of my knowledge I developed this habit at a very young age of around four to five. I had an aunt named Elaine who is deceased that would play with my ears. She would play with my ears all the time, especially when I was upset up something and the sensation I would receive from her touching my ears would always calm me down. I believe I developed this habit as a way to handle stress and intense situations. Whenever I am feeling stressed, angry or tensed I would start to play with my ear and that would help relieve the feelings of stress, and anger and place me back into a start of relaxation. When I enter puberty I noticed that playing with my ears would relieve most of the sex tension that I was experiencing as an adolescent. I will probably credit my brother and cousins as the people who influenced the adoption of the habit....