
Strategies the teaching assistant might use to encourage positive behaviour in the classroom.
Rules encourages positive behaviour, involve children in making them, reinforce consistently so not to become redundant, put them on the wall, point to them to reinforce e.g. “you know the rule about keeping objects to ourselves, I expect you to follow these rules”.   Keep rules WARM (workable, achievable, reliable and manageable), consequences known, rewards are an incentive, be consistent, stick to them.   Positive reinforcement encourages acceptable behaviour, rewards for   improved behaviour e.g. “you listened well today, you put your hand up instead of shouting like yesterday”. Age appropriate rewards, e.g.credits, certificates, special assemblies, head teacher’s awards for older children provide incentives for positive behaviour.   “It is important that the reward is related to an individual’s behaviour, effort or achievement rather than a group, every pupil needs the chance to obtain rewards for some positive aspect of their own behaviour”.(Teaching Assistants Handbook – Teena Kaman 2nd Edition – p99).   Visual signs, thumbs up/smiley face symbols encourage smaller children, make tasks enjoyable, interesting and stimulating. “Encouraging children’s self reliance is an important part of helping them to develop their independence which will enable children to face life’s demands and challenges in preparation for their adult lives.” (Teaching Assistants Handbook – Tenna Kaman 2nd Edition – P165).   A4W form (The Four Why’s) is sent to parents if behaviour is inappropriate.   It outlines, where it happened, what caused it, why it happened, what is expected of them, it allows time for reflection and works well.   Teachers/TA’s can use the ABC method to look at what triggers the behaviour in order to avoid it.
Explain how pupils abilities to communicate may affect their behaviour in the classroom
Children’s communication skills affect behaviour in different ways.   Children...