Belonging Essay

A sense of   belonging can emerge from the connection made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world. The concept can be found in a variety of texts including Peter Skryznecki’s poems ‘Feliks Skryznecki’ and ’10 Mary Street’ and the documentary ‘Bra Boys’. These texts have a commonality that deals with the importance of belonging, to both the individual and collective psyche.
Feliks Srzynecki
Peter Skrzynecki’s poem “Feliks Skrzynecki” utilises a variety of literary devices in order to represent his perception of the effect of migration on a sense of belonging for father and son. The poets use a personal emotive tone to talk about his “gentle father” as a man detached from the world that surrounds him, and he constantly reiterates that his forced migration has resulted in a perceived feeling of isolation. Skrzynecki shows the displacement, alienation, isolation and uncertainty that migration cause. “He keeps pace only with the Joneses of his own minds’ making” through the use of metaphor, the composer is pointing out that Feliks is indifferent to the standards set by neighbours. Feliks has his own values, which has actually brought him happiness though somewhat isolation. This sense of acceptance of not belonging is juxtaposed with the emotive experience of not belonging of Peter who does not remember or know his polish culture and feels a sense of loss and alienation. There is irony in the simile “he loved his garden like an only child” in that the speaker feels detached and separated from his father Feliks, who in the face of his foreign environment has created an enclosed and private “world” in his garden. This is expressed in the metaphor “he swept its path/ ten times around the world”. Through the use of metaphor and irony Skrzynecki shows the reader that Feliks is displaced and alienated due to his lack of connection with the wider Australian community.  
10 marry street
The use of repetition in the phrase...