Benchmarking an Organization

Benchmarking an Organization
      The Lenity Hospital for Advanced Care (LHAC) is a health care organization that is having some issues and has asked for my help in finding some new ways in which to find the root cause of their issues and correct them.   The director wants to make sure that his organization is the best around and that they are running as efficiently as it possibly can. I want to start out talking about the root cause of LHAC’s problems and move on from there.
Root Cause of Problem
      Lenity Hospital has a rising nosocomial infection rate and the director and his associates have asked me to come in and try to find out the cause of this dilemma. After looking over all the information and what we are dealing with here I have come up with the cause and that is that LHAC is inefficiently managing their equipment and this is giving rise to the infections that are going on at the hospital lately. After letting them know that I have identified their cause they decided to make the needed changes. Equipment records were showing that the nosocomial infection rate was high for the emergency room, gastroenterology, and in obstetrics and gynecology departments, which are all surgical departments.   One reason for the hospital’s inefficient equipment management is that they were spending money buying equipment that they already had and there was no tracking system or procedure to find out where the machines were going and when. All this caused patient care to be delayed and the nurses’ end up administering medications and use equipment without properly sanitizing it first. The nurses have no way of knowing if the equipment was sanitized after a patient’s use or not. Now that the problem has been corrected it can begin correcting the situation. As far as doing anything differently I do not feel that I could do anything differently because the choice that I made will help LHAC in reducing the amount of nosocomial infections the hospitals sees...