
Second hand data activity

To investigate the past and present environments occupied by a named group with in either Achaea or bacteria

I selected the group of the organisms that I wanted to investigate. I identified data sources and gathered information about my chosen group. In addition to features of the group   I also found out about its present day environment and information about its existence in the past.


Cyanobacteria were once called blue-green algae and classified with the simple algae but that is not the case any more. Cyanobacteria are aquatic and photosynthetic, that is, they live in the water, and can manufacture their own food. They are primary produces at the base of the food chain with in their ecosystem. Because they are bacteria, they are quite small and usually unicellular, though they often grow in colonies large enough to see. Cyanobacteria were once called blue-green algae and classified with the simple algae

Present-day environment
They are usually found in wet or damp situations : ponds, streams ,wet rocks and soil, they flourish in warm conditions, particularly where water contains dissolved organic material

Their paste environment was like a gaint soupwith heavy amoutnts of ultraviolet radation and hydrogen based atmosphere. Stormatolites are Cyanobacteria   first discovered in bacteria in a fossil more than 3000 million years old there abundance and carbon fixation ability in photosynthesis over millions of years contributed to the earths reduction in carbon dioxide and increase of oxygen into the atmosphere